Stories, Jell-O, Videos, Art, and a Message to Gerard Way

I really need to drop Journalism class. I can't put up with it. Everytime I turn around, I'm failing that damned class because it's IMPOSSIBLE to get signatures from a fucking teacher that's NOT THERE!!!

What the hell!?


In other news, I think it should be a law on Mibba or something that if you read something, you should comment it. I mean, seriously. You took the time to read it, why not tell the author what he/she is doing right, wrong, or otherwise!?

I also think Jell-O should be destroyed. BUT that's a story for another day.

I made my first YouTube video today. Now the trouble is the uploading.

Also am drawing a portrait of Gerard Way. That's not doing so well, either. I wish his nose and mouth would fall off his fucking face!!

Well, not really, since he couldn't sing without them, but.... GAH. Those features on that man are IMPOSSIBLE to draw. >< I mean, yeah. He's attractive and gorgeous and...everything. But...why does he have to be such a bitch to draw!?

Gerard, if you're reading this (which I doubt, but hey, there's always a chance): YOU HAVE CAUSED ME FRUSTRATION TRYING TO DRAW YOU. But I love you anyway and I can't wait for the next record. And you're my hero so keep rockin' out for the dead and I'll be expecting great things from you come 2009.

And with that, I'll wrap this up. Night, everybody!


PS. Comment my stories.
March 3rd, 2008 at 06:02am