something i wrote for myspace.

Today makes a month that Chelsea passed. It really doesn't feel like that long. I just wish I got to see her and tell her that I love her and sh's more than a cousin, more than a best friend, she's my big sister. I can't wait until I can see her again. I know she's in a better place. She's catching up with Pa Pa Johnny. I know she's talking to my little sister, Brittany, that would have been twelve this year. Even though she's been with God all those years, Chelsea recognized her the first day she went home. I know for a fact that God told her he was proud of her for serving him in a world where sin is around every corner staring you in the eyes. With that said, please keep me and our family in your minds and prayers. We really need it.

AUGUST 5, 1991- JANUARY 8, 2008
March 3rd, 2008 at 11:16pm