Everyone Pray For Me

Severe, severe, severe, severe, severe tornado warnings in SW Virginia. There's really bad winds outside and it's making my house creak and everything. The tornado hasn't come yet, but I'm sure it'll come soon, and mark it's territory.

Shit...I'm shaking like leaf on a tree. Ha-ha Elvis. Atleast I still have some humor left in me right?

Ugh...the winds are really bad now. I can here all of our windchimes practically banging against each other. Of coarse, mom and dad didn't get an underground shed.

Fuck...windows are rattling and that made my heart jump.

If I'm not on again...ever...you know why.

Please, please, please pray for us and hope nothing bad happens. Even if your aitheist, atleast wish us some luck.

Love you all,

March 5th, 2008 at 03:09am