Sweet Tea


Everytime I see him, I smile.
Sometimes he'll just walk by and a smile will come across my face.
It's strange, as many times as me and him hug,
I still blush everytime.
Sometimes, the butterflies get too much to bare.
I just want to grab his face and pull it towards mine.
I can honestly say,
my feelings formed before I even met him.
They'd talk about this wonder guy,
with this wonderful sense of humor,
with this wonderful sense of positiveness,
something I was more than happy to let enter my life at the time.
When I met him,
I knew it was him right away.
I even felt as though I'd had met him before.
When it comes to him,
I remember the littlest things:
The first day I met him,
when we were dared to kiss,
how at lunch I had something on my lip while I was talking,
turning my face,
he lightly brushed it off with his thumb and smiled.
I've never felt in my life how he makes me feel.
Some call it love,
Some call it a crush,
some even have the nerve to call it an obsession,
but call it what you want.
I say,
there is no word for how I feel.
No one has ever felt how I do now,
and that's what makes liking him so unique.

Why is this called Sweet Tea...
you'll never know.
March 5th, 2008 at 06:11pm