Today I am 16 so why won't anyone leave me be???

I am istatic today! I am finally 16 and I am going to get my driving lessons started. The night before I told my family, look for my brithday I want to be left alone! They were understanding and said sure. So why in all fuck am I doing all this shit! Going to my brothers school to drop him off and pick him up, making store runs. Today is my damn day. What the hell. On my dad's birthday we don't ask anything of him, (not that he does anything lazy son of a bitch) But on my birthday they ask me with a nicer tone to do things. I don't ever have school on my birthday (go figure) and I am usually at home. I hate staying at home because this is all I fucking here

Courtney, go do the dishes
Courtney go get me something to eat
Courtney go pick up your brother
Courtney go do whatever I don't want to do cause I'm a fucking peice of shit who doesn't know how to do a damn thing without someone coming behind me like a god Damn child!

(The last one isn't what they really say but thats how I feel)

Damin and its everytime I stay home. I never like staying hom because ever since I started doing things they always think they can ask me to do things that they don't want to do! My mother the neat freak my father and brother the slobs and I am always stuck in the middle either helping to clean or trying to. Whem I get my damn drivers liscence I am so out of this hell hole they won't see it coming. I'm already picking college. I want to be as far away from these damn sob I want to brag about It. I would rather have steak knifes pounded in threw my skull than have to listen to another person call me over for some stupid shit that they could have done themse;ves. If I hear one more person call me over telling me I have to do something today of all days I am gonna damn well kill them

I can see the 12 o'clock news

Local crazy hits roof!

If you haer that headline later tonight that will be me if this keeps up!

Of all the days for them all to try my patience not today!!!!
March 5th, 2008 at 08:19pm