It's snowing! *triumphant music*

Dude, this is amazing.

It's March, in Texas, the southernmost state in the U.S. Normally we get one day of snow, every other year, in December or January. But it's coming down unbelieveably hard right now, more than I've ever seen in my life.


Some of the flakes were bigger than half dollars.
We've got, like, an eighty percent chance of no school tomorrow.

You should have seen people's reactions when they saw the snow after last period. Everyone was running toward the windows in huge mobs, screaming and shouting and even dancing a little. It was complete chaos, but it was pretty cool too.

I'm so thrilled right now. :) Snowsnowsnow. I love the stuff.


Anyhow, a brief update on life. I had to present a PowerPoint I did in English today, and it went very well. Unlike a couple days ago, when we finished studying Midsummer Night's Dream and were assigned groups of three to present a 'musical' of one of the scenes. My group sucked and it got us completely humiliiated, but the presentation I did today cheered me up enormously.

We have a big contest for my school band coming up in April, and we're having a four-hour clinic for it tomorrow. Four hours of playing my clarinet. x_x I'm gonna die. Which is also why I am kind of hoping for school to be cancelled tomorrow. Plus then I can update my stories and whatnot.


Hope you Mibbians had a great day too. :)
March 6th, 2008 at 11:55pm