
Do you know what it feels like to not wanna go home day after day afraid of what you will walk into? DO you know what it feels like to fear for your safety? DO YOU know what it is like to know that no matter what you do you cannot protect the ones you love? DO YOU Know what it is like to live day after day and put on a happy face so that no one will ever know what is really wrong? DO YOU KNow what its like to see the ones you love drift away? DO YOU KNOw what is like to hide in your room and not want to ever come out? DO YOU KNOW?

If you dont then dont labe me a freak, dont you call me a loser, dont you look down on me till you have walked a mile in my shoes. calling someone dumb or stupid when they talk about what bothers them but expect them to listen to you is the cruliest thing you could ever do. DO NOT ever look down on someone because of where they are from. there are wars going on everyday, not just with the world but in the homes of loved ones, of neighbors, or even your own home.

Everyday when i come home i dont know what will be waiting for me with HIM in my home. my mother is a strong woman but i dont think she is that strong, sometimes i dont know what to do sometimes i wanna run, then i remember that i have a family that depends on me and i cant leave them.

March 8th, 2008 at 02:10am