My time at the Mental Institute

I'm just lying. I was never at an asylum of any sort *twitch twitch* But, if I was here's my story:

I entered the asylum slowly. They had left me in the front of the wretched building an hour beforehand. Not realizing what it was I entered. Clean white floors gleamed from the light on the ceiling. The ceiling fan spun in a steady format. The walls were a purple/pink color and it made me sick. It looked like Sorbet and I hate Sorbet! A lady in all white clothes approached me.
"Name please?" she asked me.
"I don't know where I am and why," I replied.
"Name please?" she asked again.
"Look lady just help me," I said. Aggravated she asked once more,
"Fine, my name is Taco," I replied.
"Taco?" she asked.
"It's Dutch," I replied smiling. She grabbed my arm and led me down the hallway. I saw people playing checkers on a chess board, and 40 year olds playing with blocks. One man tried shoving a cube in a hole that was in the shape of a triangle. We then came to room that read, "New Patient." I stared at it for awhile.
"Your name will be there soon," she said with a reassuring smile. I smiled a nervous smile. This lady was nuts! I swear she should have been staying here. She threw me into my new room.
"Have fun!" she laughed and walked away as she slammed the door shut. Fun with what? I looked around and saw empty space. I turned around to face a bed. It's metal bars stood motionless and I felt they were mocking me. I ran up to them and kicked it. OW! I shrieked and grasped my foot. The pain shot up my leg. I heard laughter from outside my room. Were they laughing at me? How dare they! It was then I began to plan my revenge.

-I think this is more of story but, I WAS NEVER IN AN ASYLUM! Anyone, who says otherwise is lying. I guess this will continue as a journal. Meh-
March 8th, 2008 at 07:12pm