Growing up?

I've recently come to terms with the fact that I'm a different person than I have been for the last two years. Part of it is natural I guess, growing up and growing apart from my friends, and my life I've grown so used to. I expected it to be different, to fight it, and try and get myself back.

I'm glad to get away from her. That self-destructive person I've been. I'm happy. I can dance, I can flirt, I can smile and laugh. I feel my other self looking disapprovingly. She is unhappy. She wants me to sit and wait. For what? I hate that girl. And the sooner she isn't a part of me, the better. I was to be adjusted. I want to be happy. I want to be severed.

I'm waiting for the moment where everyone can catch up with me. It sounds selfish, but I'm tired of everyone self-depreciating. I'm tired of everyone fishing for my sympathy, and rejecting it like the plague. To grow up I have to grow away. Away from everything that has kept me where I was for so long.
March 8th, 2008 at 11:42pm