I'm Going to Hell! Oh well!

I told the rest of my friends I am Bi/Pansexual yesterday. They took it very well. My Friend Mandy, the one I was most worried about was just like "Okay, as long as you don't have a crush on me." I fell of my seat laughing.

One kid I know though was spewing hatred and saying how gays go to hell. I seriously wanted to strangle him. That's bewteen me, who I love and the sumpreme being I so amazingly nicknamed God (or bob for short).

My teacher thinks I'm sucidial because I wrote a poem about abuse. I didn't post it on here though cause I sent it in to a contest. She was all "Is this autobiographical?" ANd I just laughed and deniede. And then when I came home my parents were all, "Is everything Okay?"


I feel like I am losing religion. Don't know why! Just do. Anyone have any thoughts on this. I thimk I'm going to start my own. I'll call it the relgion of we don't know what the fuck we're talking about. Anyone want to join?

Life is an interesting process. Well, I guess this is goodbye.
Here's lookin' at you kid!
March 9th, 2008 at 06:27am