!My Weird Life!

You know i kinda hate my life... I hate that I always the one at school that people call emo,punk,goth. They judge you bye the way you look or the clothes you where..I just hate that.(Grrrr..) Yeah thats not all my friend are copy catters they copy me all the time they started to dress liike me and one of my friends has the same hair cut (I going to get a new hair cut now and i am going to die my hair green cause there parents wont let them die there hair so they wont look like me). I dont like people coping me as you can see.

Why i dont like my life well my mom die 6 moths ago in a car accident and i miss her alot i wish i still had her... and i hate my dad cause he just stupid and i have to live with him for 3 more years. In 3 more years i will move out. At school the teachers are asking me to a concerler witch i dont want to at all I will never stop being sad, cause my mom is all i had. I am the only child. Well Yeah that it that not all my life but i will tell you more later.
March 9th, 2008 at 06:51am