Untitled. Wait, since I titled it "Untitled.", it would mean it does have a title, instead of being untitled.

You know how sometimes, you try to think about something but absolutely nothing comes to mind?
Well that's whats happening to me right now.
I seriously have nothing to say.
I haven't been able to write an interesting journal for the past few days.
I have no clue why! I usually have something to rant about, but right now, nothing.

Where the hell are my socks?
My feet are cold and I can't find them.
They have poka dots on them.

I think the cookie monster ate it.

Anyways, I have nothing to write about.
Wait... Since I'm writing about how I have nothing to write about, does that mean I actually have something to write about since I'm writing about something right now?

and where the hell are my socks?!

Maho, you're boring mibbian friend.
March 10th, 2008 at 01:01am