Hello. (School, crushes, stories, spring break...!)

It's been a while! xD I've been reading a lot on this site! It's a great site. I've almost read the whole romance section of this site! I know I've started a new story without finishing my other one. I'm going to try and do both, since it is March break, or spring break. I'm going to do what Patrick Stump did during Spring break... Sit in front of the T.V. Lol. xD Well, I've had a crush on a boy since High School started! xD I'm trying to ignore him, but he's everywhere I look. -_- Lol. His name's Alex, he has long brown hair, a little below his shoulder, has glasses, brown eyes, skinny, and of course like My Chemical Romance. xD YAY! xD Too nervous to talk to him. Lol. Annnnyyywaysssssssssss... End of entry! O_o
March 10th, 2008 at 02:54am