Stress is a bitch

I feel extremely stressed out to the point where I just don't have interest in anything.

I'm supposed to be reviewing now for our Finals where I must catch up cause my Prelims are sh*t. But no, I'm here glued in front of the computer. I tried reviewing but nothing stays. Just thinking of it, I'm sick of it!

I just wish this was over. I just wish it's April and I can see my mommy.. *cry*.. I've been doing a lot lately. I try so fucking hard to do what I'm supposed to do and more but what do I get? Nothing.

I have to do MY thesis. yes MY because my groupmates are just lazy MFers. I did everything and when I told them to read the thesis for the defense they fuckin frown on me. All they have to do is to PRETEND like they did something. I'm already helping them out and they bitch and whine on why it's taking so long. Well cause I'm all alone doing something that is supposed to be done by four people!

Stress is making me irritable, it won;t make me sleep, it makes me sick of everything, it makes me eat more, it makes me sick..

Stress is a fucking bitch...
March 10th, 2008 at 01:41pm