I can see your star

Okay. Maybe I can't...I mean, it is only 3:48 in the afternoon, but still. A girl can dream, can't she?

I dunno what to say, really. I'm just a regular type girl.

Okay. Lying on the first entry can't be good luck. Or whatever. But I guess I'm not really normal; 'normal' girls don't write poems about suicide and anguish. 'Normal' girls don't write 276 page stories and then not let anyone at home read it. 'Normal' girls don't come home and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

And by 'normal', I mean 'most'.

I am, by no means, 'most' girls. You know who I am? I am Kate. Seriously. No labels need be. Labels are for soup cans. Am I a soup can? No way Jose.

Sigh. I don't even know what this journey thingy is for. I just wanted to write something mindless and...rambling. Because I'm good at rambling. Because that's how my mind works. It really is...and it's weird, because it makes me seem all flaky and stuff when I'm talking to people, but I'm not. That's just what I do.

By the way, 'I can see your star' is a line to the song, you guessed it, 'Your Star', by Evanescence. Just thought you might be interested.

I guess I'll write. I didn't get to write at all yesterday...I was too busy putting stuff on here. It took forever! But it was worth it, I guess. Haha. Adios.
March 11th, 2008 at 09:56pm