Your voice was the soundtrack to my summer

Exhileration courses through my veins, deadly but sweet, encouraging the adreneline to move swiftly alongside it. It needs little stimulation before it's up and racing apace with the hurried beat of my heart. My harried pulse is just a drop in the bucket, the part of my tithe that has no meaning, no end.

I feel the thunder beneath me, hair streaming out like a thick brown banner behind me. Buh-da-bump buh-da-bump buh-da-bump is that rhythm familiar? Only if you know the beat of a mare as she gallops through an open field. It's flying, I swear, you're soaring like an eagle through the clear blue sky. It's a little chilly there, isn't it?

I tremble at the thought, nary the sound. Isn't it amazing? Our hearts beat in time as we melt under the starry midnight sky. Only five more minutes, baby, just you and me. It's cold in the air but it's sweaty on the ground. Can you feel the intense urges? The baby blues rolling back say that you just might.
March 12th, 2008 at 02:46am