Is it so hard to say those three words?

Something has changed and I'm not quite sure how, or what to do with it.
I've found myself not being able to say that sweet, simple little phrase any more. Not to barely any one.
I keep picturing it over and over again, trying to finally speak up and say it, that is. Just, the words wont come out.
It's so different. Before with all my other boyfriends, and with any one in general, it took little effort of mine to muster up those three tiny words.
I love you.
I just can't say it.
What's wrong with me? It makes no sense any more. I tried so hard, but with out totally bursting out in tears, I can't say it.
Is something wrong?
Does any one else know what I'm going through, and can possibly help me?

The thing is, I tried saying it tonight to him. I tried, so very, very hard, but it didn't work.
I couldn't say it with my last boyfriend either, and now I can't even say it to the person who I want to say it to most.

I need some help you guys.

Any one want to tell me how they figured it out?
I know there has to be some one else who knows what I'm going through....
March 13th, 2008 at 05:02am