Time wasting & rant all-in-one

Just as the title says. There was this girl that once lived with me and at first I thought she was the sweetest and cutest thing there is and boy was I wrong. We would have to tell her many, many times to do her part of the housework and what not. Let me tell you that did get tiring after a while. She then started using my make-up which by any girl would know that it is completely unsanitary to do so. A few months down the road she got better with all her stuff and I thought everything was going to be like that from now on. WRONG!

She left in August of 2007 to go to her hometown in Ohio to visit a few friends. Then things went totally wrong right there. She told me and my husband that she didn't have to pay that months rent because she wasn't going to be there. HELLO!!, just because you are going to be gone doesn't mean that you can't pay, you still live here you know! Then when she finally moved out she met my older brother James and those two started dating.

Things were great at first and then to shit yet once again. Those two were always fighting and breaking up all the damn time. Then I noticed a few of my things were missing from my house such as my eye-toy camera for my ps2, my alarm clock which makes pretty colors, and my Paper Mario game for my gamecube WHICH BY THE WAY I did pay for. I got my camera back when I went to her house and I showed it to her and you know what she said? "Oh" and just kept doing what she was doing.

I even found out she pawned my alarm clock and MY FUCKING GAME! She even told me that the reason why she took it was because it was mine which MADE NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL.

You will never believe what kind of shit she pulled this time and believe me when I say that it will make you just as mad as I still am about it now. My husband doesn't like this chick at all ok? and he always made fun of her and she made fun of him but she didn't take his jokes seriously eventhough he ment them that way. Well one day when I went to go and greet my husband because he had just gotten home from work and he told me this, " Get the fuck away from my car and from me!." I didn't know what the fuck was going on at the time and I just thought he was really cranky from work.

He comes in and asks me if I had a threesome with two other people that me and him knew. I told him that I would never do that to him and that I also made a vow on the day that we got married to never cheat on him ever! He calls these two people up and they told him that they didn't do that with me only with my ex-roomie Liv. My husband then told me it was Liv that told him this and holy shit did I have the biggest shit fit ever. I confronted her about this and the reason why she told me was because she could and that she was tired of my husband shit talking about her so she did it right back to him about me! She almost destroyed my marriage and on top of all that she even called my marriage fake too!

If my marriage is so fake then why do I have a marriage certificate and liscence bitch? And why is it signed by a court judge? I am done ranting for right now but If you want to know more about the situation I will write more just let me know!

Laters kids
March 13th, 2008 at 07:08am