I have a bit of a problem

This is a problem. I guess it's good, too, if you want to be optimistic about it, but seeing as I'm not in my best mood, I'm gonna be pesimistic for a while. My apologies if I'm being a Debbie Downer =P

See, I have a girlfriend. And she is WAY better than the last one I had. Maybe she's not as 'good looking', but she has a better personality, better moral standards, and a nice family who cares about her. She has a good attitude towards life, too. Generally, she's a happy person. She used to cut, but I guess she stopped when we started going out cause when she wants to, she thinks about me, and no longer wants to.

And she's not even the type who looks like they would cut themselves. (i.e, emo)

So, we're actively going out (and by this, it's just another way to say that we're in a relationship. Just giving you some variation of words so I don't bore you. =] )

So then, there's this guy.


He's wonderful. He's nice. He's sort of smart, but not really school smart. "Morals smart", I guess. Sort of like very familiar with life lessons and has a lot of common sense. He likes me. And I like him. He knows I have a girlfirend, too.

My problem is, I'm beginning to not like my girlfriend as much as I used to, and this guy is filling that space up. Which is a good and bad thing, but again, I'm being a Negative Nancy. ;)

My GF and I just had our one-month on the 11th of March, and I would feel really bad if I dumped her cause I wrote her a letter that told her how much she means to me. Which is true. She means a lot to me. But I think it's more of a friend-love-thing now.

And btdubbs (btw), this guy. Well. Alright. He doesn't have the best history with my GF and I's friend, who's a lesbian. He made out with her three times in one night, when they were alone together, but he "liked her for the longest time". And they both knew that she's a lesbian. So, if I dumped my GF for my guy friend, it would look really bad.


/end. And I hope this made you laugh a bit cause I was trying to make it not so serious and a little humerous. =]
March 14th, 2008 at 03:11am