Breaking up is never easy.

Ok..... where do I start?

For those of you who don't know (which is pretty much everyone) I'm bisexual.
That's a vital piece of information because of this:

It's midnight here in Australia, and at about 6pm, my girlfriend and I broke up. Or rather I broke up with her, and I wont go into details, but I will say I REALLY had to.
So I'm meant to feel good for doing the 'right thing' apparently.

But I don't.

I feel like a steaming pile of cow dung, and I don't know what to do.

I realize I have spent so many of my seventeen and a half years, trying to please everyone that I'm not even sure what makes me happy anymore.
But I'm doing better, right?
Because I made a choice. A decision, i had to make, to keep myself safe.
Yes, safe.

I still feel like cow dung though.

So... breaking up is never easy. Especially when your mother is unwell, and your estranged father is an ass.

In honor of the break up I'm writing a story, I thought it might help to write about a bitter person, what with me being bitter and all, but there's no way in hell I'm writing MY story down.
I can't even think about it, you know?

So there you have it.

I hope I'll get my creative flow back. My tear ducts are flowing freely now, if only words were the same.

- the perfect fit.
March 15th, 2008 at 02:12pm