Need Your Help With Choosing Story

Hey Everyone!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Anyway, I need some help with my stories. I have two and I don't know which one that I should concentrate on more. So, I'm pretty much leaving it up to the readers as to which one I put most of my concentration in. I would really like some feedback on both of the stories. I'll give you a short summary of each and there are two chapters for each of the stories. Thank you for all of your help. I hope you enjoy the stories!!

Story 1:

Lost and Confused, Twisted and Used

This story is about a girl named Serenity living in an orphanage when she finds out her best male friend, Damian is not a real orphan. She discovers that the only reason he remained at the orphanage was to get to know her. They have been set up for an arranged marriage. But Damian still has secrets hidden that Serenity will soon find out. She is about to be thrown into a new world were creatures of the night exist.

Story 2:


This story is about a girl named Crescentia. She lives in a community were everyone has a magical power of some sort. However, she has more powers than those around her causing her to be an outcast among everyone around her. The story begins with two new families arriving to the Camp. From the families Crescentia is able to befriend Estella a girl who may have the same powers as herself. They must learn how to work together to destroy the evil that is inhabiting the Camp. But will their combined power be enough?

Alright, there ya go! Please read the stories and give me some feedback.
March 17th, 2008 at 07:25pm