so, this really happened to me. dont tell me im being silly, cause im not. read it thouroghly...

so my friend and i were going for a walk through the desert. just innocently trying to loose a few pounds. we took a trail that we had never taken before and it went quite a ways back into the desert, further than weve ever gone before. we were about to turn around cause it was getting to hot and we were tired. but we came to a dirt circle at the end of the path.
on the west side of the circle there was a large old, splintery cross, about 8 or 9 feet (about 3 meters) tall with two old, rusted nails that were very large, nailed into the sides of the cross where your hands would be if you stood in a cross-like position. there were two cement blocks that would be used for building and a chuck of wood around it as if in a semi-circle. around the cross.
we felt a presence there that just wasn't right. my friend and i looked at eachither, wide-eyed and scarred for our life.
we did the only thing we could think of. we said nothing to eachother until we got away from the area.

we ran. through the desert, with tears streaming down our faces.

if you know anything about this, why it's there or for how long it has been there, or even if you have questions about it, please ask/tell me.

its soo appreciated. thanks
March 18th, 2008 at 03:33am