More random/funny stuff about us... Celebrity bags! Woot!

OK, most of our bags have names, so i will introuce them:

My bag (Nat's bag): Stumpy (named after the awesome Patrick!)

Tasha's bag: Possibly Norman (we're not sure if he's actually called norman)

Flora's bag: Mikey (after the quiffalicious Mikey Way)

Flora's new bag(she threw Mikey!):Mikey mark 2 (shortened to Mikey)

Tasha's PE bag: Bob (no idea why)

My (Nat's) PE bag: Frerard (You MUST be able to guess why [in fact we almost called my old cat Frerard, but settled for Benji. Oh how i miss him..; ( ])

My coat is called Ray as he's awesome and my hair is also slightly Ray-ish.

I also have a little yellow pipe-cleaner man at home called Bob after MCR's very own. Yeah.

My calculator is called Calvin ([possibly after Harris, not sure).

And that's it. I think.

Hope you enjoyed that little insight to our crazy world =]

March 18th, 2008 at 05:19pm