The way.

I'm angry today, I'm super mad. The type of mad that burns in your stomach until you explode!
And I'm so close to fucking explode!

I hate my job but that's not the reason I want to kick someone's ass, I hate my co workers and there's one in particular I wish a truck would hit. yes HER.

The most vain creature you'd ever meet. The most condescending bitch to walk the face of earth. The reason some people are gays.

She'd gossip till she drop, spreading idiotic rumors, she sucks up to our bosses and I hate her.
I hate everything about her!
The way she says my name.
The way she's obsessed with clothes.
The way she smiles to a person and stakes them in the back the minute they're out of ear shot.
The way she sets me up for awkward shit and gets away with it.
The way she thinks she's DA shit when she is really the shit.
The way she's so proud of herself thinking she's the most beautiful\smart\good person when she's not.
The way she thinks she's better then me just cause I don't wear fancy pink clothes and didn't grow up in a huge house, showering in money.

Why is that people that are a waste of breathe think they're god's gift to human population and people who truly are a gift to the human population waste their time thinking they're nothing, soaking wet in self hatred.
That's unfair, that makes no sense what so ever.
March 19th, 2008 at 05:26pm