
Rumors are absolutely ridiculous. Unfortunately, students at my school don't know how to stop them or keep them from escalating. So on Monday, someone sent out text messages to all their contacts saying that there will be a school shooting at our school on wednesday (today). People forwaded the message and by Tuesday, the whole school knew. Our principal made an announcement, proclaiming that everything about Wednesday is a rumor.
When I first heard about it, I was pretty freaked out. And then I realized that no one would actually do that. But thoughts raced through my mind, and I was worried about my brother's and my safety. Police officers were said to be at our school, but they won't react until a shot is heard or someone is killed.
As I got off the bus, I looked around me and noticed police cars in front of the school. I knew it would be a long day. Most of the student body had stayed home, from fear of being killed. -_- I couldn't because my mom didn't really believe this rumor. I concured, and allowed myself to just go to school. Classes were pointless, and required of only busywork. During class changes, everyone was quiet in the halls, just suspicious of who would pull a gun from their bag and start shooting us. A plus of the day? Really short lunch lines. :) Oh yeah, and that no one actually came forth and killed us all.
Throughout the day, the rumors grew to blaming this sophomore. Supposedly, last night he was arrested for having a hitlist in his home, and keeping firearms in his car. But no one could actually prove that he was arrested, they just heard it. Now he'll just be known as the kid who tried to shoot us. Other rumors say that he was bullied, therefore leading him to make this decision. He was also said to be a cutter; cutting his arm to spell out words.
The actual first source of the rumor has been found, but no name has been released yet. I just hope no one else spreads something so evil to make others fear for their life, as I have for mine.
March 19th, 2008 at 10:26pm