I'm actually happy.

For the first time in a really long time I am happy with myself. And I'm happy with my decisions and I'm happy with my life. And it feels wonderful.

My boyfriend did the cutest thing for me today, and this is what made me realize how happy I am. I've had a really bad cold since last friday when I went into the ocean and forgot a towel and didn't change into dry clothes for three hours. So this morning he comes up to me while I'm like dying on the floor due to my cold and hands me a cup of tea. How cute is that? And he was like "I made you some tea! I hope you like it and it makes you feel better." It was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. Like I know that sounds like something so simple, but it was just so sweet because like, I don't know, it just was.
March 20th, 2008 at 12:25am