My profile is *gasp*, the non-emoest color of all, WHITE. =o *dun dun dun*

So yeah, I changed my profile. =D
Check it out if you're bored.

Today was the same. But it was fun.
I hugged my wifey, Netti, and everyone thought I was going out with her, and spent 30 minutes explaining that calling her my wifey is just a joke.
and then this guy in my class was being all weird as usual. O_O He dry humped the desk.
He needs to go get laid.

I was really sad and stressed out the past 5 days or so, but I watched Berth and listened to The Used for hours and hours and I'm a lot better now.
Its amazing how much their music can help me. <3

anyway, how was your day?
March 20th, 2008 at 01:18am