you. are. suckish.

After posting this journal I would normally wander the page, giving people inspiring advice and suggestions on how to best enhance their love-life etc, but today kids, well, today I just cannot be fuckkered. My legs hurt more than your lonesome heart, kay?
And my ego is much more bloated than that dead goldfish ever could be, it's nothing but an upside down poser. I just found out some one re-posting news, left a link to the original and left feeling self satisfied. Very much like that one cat whom now possesses the cream. Admittedly, I didn't dob them in though. Never have been one for dobing, never shall be.
Did I mention my legs hurt?
Legs legs, legs and eggs.
Easters upon us, hooray.


I'm falling in love and it's giving me the shits.

And if you comment on that last bit, rather than the more interesting part about my legs I'm going to rip your small minded head off.
March 20th, 2008 at 01:40pm