Hello everyone

hi everyone. i'm new here, and just made this account (oviously). so i feel i should introduce myself.

my name is Hana. its not my real name, but i use it in honor of my friend and ex, Jesse, who commited suicide. he said it was apporpriate since i was like a bloom that had not bloomed just yet.

i'm 15. thought people say i act or look older, i promise i am 15. no older, no younger.

right off the bat here, i am going to tell you who are reading this that i think i have a personality disorder. Borderline disorder most likely. If you dont know what it is, i can post some stuff on it, but i wont promise that.

i live in a hell hole called Georgia, and i plan to get out once i graduate from highschool. right now i am a freshman. i am really not friends with really no one in my grade besides Sheepy and Amy.

i had a bad past, so my outlook on things may seem rahter dark. but i cant really help it. people call me emo from time to time, but who cares abot lables anymore??

i dont like to lable if you havent realized.

I write stories, and love to think of imaginary places/things. makes some things bareable.

my family life SUCKS. warning you now.

well, that is me... an introduction.

March 21st, 2008 at 04:31am