Oh My Gawwwwwd, Cobra Starship!

I've just discovered that I'm going to see Cobra Starship live! I can't believe it! I'm so excited, they're one of my very favourite bands!

I booked tickets for one of the days of the GIAN festival back in January, and then, a couple of weeks later, Cobra Starship were announced as playing...On the day I wasn't going. I was pretty gutted to say the least. Well, today I've just found out that they've switched days and will now be playing on the day I'm going to be there!

I almost had a heart-attack with excitement, and I ran into the kitchen were my parents were and started jumping up and down screaming - I think they think I've gone mad. XD

I reeeeallly need to call my friend Trina who's going to GIAN with me and tell because she loves CS too, but I can't because she's in France and isn't back to the 2nd of April...So I have to somehow contain my excitement till then.

I'm so hyper and happy, it's unbelieveable! Bring on the 11th of May!
March 21st, 2008 at 12:47pm