In Memory Of...

So this morning has to of been the worst morning ever! You know when there is the something in your life that you've had for 7-9 years? And you don't know what you'd do if you ever lost it? I think everyone has one of those. Well, as silly as it is, mine was my cat Tiger. Yup, thats right. It was my cat. That cat had been there with me through all the shit in my life. It was there when I couldn't sleep at night, he was there when I was upset about my parents' divorce, he was there for me when I've had to move multiple times. No matter what he was there for me, always comforting and understanding, even if he was 'just' a cat. He always knew when I was mad about something, or sad, or just really happy. He was my best friend, as corny as that sounds, but it was true.

Anyways, this morning I woke up and did all my normal stuff. I was that he was under my bed, and I thought that he was just sleeping. Anyways, I called out to him saying 'Wake up, Tiger.' and I tapped my bed to get him up. Well then he didn't move. I started to panic and worry, so I went to check on him. I put my hand on his leg and felt that it was cold and hard like a stone. So I grabbed onto him and pulled him a little, only to see that he was dead. All I could, and still do think about was when I first got him, and the fact that I should have known that he wan't all that good and should've toook him to the vet.

Well thats my sad story. The only thing I can do now is remember him and never stop loving him. Hopefully I'll be able to move on soon. There is no point in crying anymore, theres nothing I can do. I'm sorry for wasting your time with my stupid story, I just needed to get it out of me.
March 21st, 2008 at 05:02pm