
Happiness is only a good thing when it caused by something that is real. False acts can only cause a fake happiness which will only end in despair. The only thing worse then being unhappy, is to be happy about something that is false. A person will take more damage from false acts then from the truth. The truth can sometimes hurt, but being lied to will hurt more.

Example.. He loves her, and tells her. She does not love him, but she lies and says that she does. He's now at the happiest moment in his life and tries to get close to her, but she pushes him away because of her true feelings. He wonders why, and tries to find out. Then he finds out. Now he's in the worst moment in his life.

Going from the highest moment in your life to the lowest, in such a short amount of time will always hurt more then going from normal to lower. It is a fact. It is reality. But yet, it is ignored.

Lying.. why do people do it?..
Some say that it is to protect the feelings of the person they are lying to, or have lied to. But in reality, it is to protect themselves. People lie because they don't want to get in an argument, or they don't want the person they are lying to, to leave them, or get mad at them. Lies are never used to protect the other persons' feelings, they are always used to protect the user.

The person lying is NOT thinking about the other persons' feelings at all. They are NOT thinking about the other person as anyone worth fighting for, or anyone worth even knowing. It is a known fact that lies are what destroy most relationships. So for anyone to lie to another, whether it be a friend, family member, or loved other, is completely wrong. It is merely an act of selfishness, which says that they do not care for that certain someone.

True scenario.
Person A: why did you lie to me?

Person B: I told you what you wanted to hear..

Person A: Don't tell ME what I want to hear ..because what I've always wanted to hear was the TRUTH!

Telling someone what they want to hear.. as if it isn't common sense that everyone wants to hear the truth. Ever decided to wipe off the dust and use that silly thing in your heads called a brain? ..well, think about this ..would you rather have someone tell you the truth, even if it hurt you? ..or would you rather that them lead you down a path where you are blinded by nothing other then lies, which will eventually end in despair?

Any form of relationship that is built or filled with lies is doomed to fail. Both people could love each other with the intensity of 1,000,000 burning suns. But in reality.. any love can burn out with lies. whether one or both are lying, it will never last if they continued. For anyone to lie to the person they supposedly "love" is only them showing that they don't care about said relationship, or for that person. They can say what they want, but actions speak louder then words.

Is lying ever acceptable? ..Is it better to tell someone the truth, even if it would get them mad at you, or cause them to leave you? ...The truth is that no one ever has the need to lie. No one should ever have to lie as long as they think things through, instead of just do them, and even if they somehow do something wrong, telling the truth is always the right choice. Telling the truth alone is not enough, being able to do the right thing when the time comes, is also something that is needed.

Treat people how you would want to be treated. It is something that is very simple to do. But in reality, people will never want to try. Even the person who tells you that they would die for you, will most likely hurt you, lie to you, keep things from you, and not care enough to stop, or see the harm that they are causing. Reality is that people will rarely, or never learn. It is one of the sad facts of life. There is only a select few who will look straight at you and tell you the truth, even if telling you the truth will cause a gigantic argument which could lead to you leaving them.

But lets go back a bit. Just WHY? ..why would anyone ever need to lie, or hide something? ..shouldn't they know that they shouldn't do what ever they are hiding or lying about? ..many will continue to play dumb and act as though they "didn't know" or that they saw "nothing wrong with what they were doing" ..But if they "didn't know" that what they were doing was wrong, then why did they hide it, or lie about it? ..the truth is that they DO know, they DID know, but they did it anyway ..why? because they did not care. Lying is not a sign of affection, or a sign of love. It is a sign of uncaring, and lack of commitment. It is a sign of that someone saying: "You're not important enough for me to do the right thing for you. You are not someone I need to sacrifice anything for, whether it be a penny, or my life. You are not important."

Sounds harsh to say.
But the truth is that actions speak louder then words. They also hurt more, and are remembered for a much longer time. If I was a close friend of yours, and told you that I did not like you, you might forget with time, but if I went up to you, glared at you and pushed you to the ground, and then walked away without saying anything. You'd remember it for much longer, and it would hurt more. Not physically, but in the inside.. People can lessen physical pain, but the other kind of pain is much harder to take. Even the strongest person in the world can break.

I hope to someday live in a world where people actually think, and who decide to do the right thing, no matter how hard it may be. I do however know that, that will never happen. It's not up to me to make it happen, but instead it is in the hands of the ones who are not committed, the ones who love to lie, the ones who can't stop even if their life or the most important thing to them depended on it. Reality is.. well reality is reality ..and reality is that most people are weak ..and the ones who are strong enough, will be brought down, and broken by the ones who say "they care."
March 21st, 2008 at 05:11pm