Boys Like Girls

Ok so I just got back from the best six hours of my entire life, it still hasn't set in that I actually met them. Well yeah we being me and my cousin charlotte left the house at like quarter to nine then went to breakfast then went to FYE.
We sat in line for five hours but it was worth it because we were literally ten feet from them. They played Hero/Heroine, Thunder and The Great Escape but then we got to actually go up to them and get stuff signed. It was amazing. I got hugs from Martin (the singer) and Paul (guitar).
I'm still on like cloud nine right now so yeah today has been the best day ever.

Today is a winding road,
That's taken me to places that I didn't want to go,
Today in the blink of an eye,
I'm holding onto something and I do not know why.

March 22nd, 2008 at 11:28pm