damn tonsils

damn them and their evil plans
its like they know i'm getting them taken out in a week
so they keep flaring up just to spite me
horrible parts of my anatomy

anyway; so my brothers leaving for college tonight
it's kind of bittersweet
because i'll miss him
but at least my parents will stop comparing me to his achievements

college can suck my non existent dick
as hard as i try; there will always be better people
getting into better places

as defeated as i sounds
i try not to aspire to anything; so i won't let myself down

how did this go from tonsils to me being a failure?

okay anyway so i did something absolutely ridiculous today
i was reading a book outside
and i went to help my brother move boxes so i left the book on the back of my dads car, like on the trunk

and i forget about it
i'm a fucktard

so my parents leave about 2 minutes later
and i didn't know
so i go back outside to get the book
and fuck the car is gone


so i call them and they were ON THE HIGHWAY

are you kidding me?
so the book is laying on some random street

i'm a douche
March 23rd, 2008 at 06:07am