Megan Hayes’ Guide to Self Preservation (Relationships Edition)

Now, I’m not going to say that you will agree with this, but I wouldn’t say that I’m too badly off in my life.
That and I’m getting sick of telling a jillion people the same shit all the funking time.
So, here am my views on...all kinds of stuff.

Associating certain songs on break ups can be good...
But do you really want to think of how much that person shitted you out of their asshole every time you listen to a good song such as The Swing, The Reason or Better Than Me (I lied, Better Than Me is a shit song D:<)?
Healing involves music, so listen to something shitty like Good Charlotte or Simple Plan.
That and, chances are, you bought those albums when you were a kid anyways. xD
Open Relationships are a bad, bad, BAD idea.
They are just a stupid, pussy-arsed excuse for constant sex.
And chances are, you’ll get hurt a hell of a lot. If you put your feelings anywhere near an open relation ship, you will get crushed.
Forgiving A Cheating Partner seems silly.
I wouldn’t ever stand for it. How does it make you feel? How did it make you feel? How would it make you feel?
& my most important rule;
Sorry to say, but Exes are bad news.
Friends, but nothing more should ever happen. I cannot stress this enough, really. This means sex, kissing, sex,
And most importantly, going back out with them. If you had a reason to dump them in the first place, then, obviously...
And if they dumped you, then don’t be such a nice fucking person.
They caused you heartbreak, and if you really had any kind of self respect, you would tell them to piss off (Or, use the same kind of excuse in an ironic way to why you don’t want to go back out with them. They’ll get the picture. xD).

I have to say, you have the right to look after you.
Who cares how they feel? In the end, you have to look after yourself.

I’m a firm believer in love, but I have learned most of these things the hard way, or witnessed them.

Thank you for tuning into the first part of Megan Hayes’ Guide to Self Preservation.
More to follow eventually.
March 23rd, 2008 at 09:43am