Well here's the spiel of my life

Okay. So here's an update on my current life.Well it's the only one i've got but you know what I mean.

Work: I work with my sister out a stable and we take care of about 15 horses. Well she works out at this other stable that she got her horse from. And the owner didn't really do much for the poor animals. So my sister, her mom, and her boyfriend worked out there a lot. Pretty much draining her physical stamina. So she was out there tonight and this older horse, Magic , is acting all sick. So she calls my dad, and she's all freaking out and crying into the phone, not knowing what to do. I mean I understand why, she's already had about 3 horses die out there. So I'm just worried about her.

School: Well. Let's see. My parents are bitching mostly because I've got ONE bad grade. Yes, that's in the lamest class ever. MATH. I HATE MATH. Well techinically its "Algebra 1" but WTMFF. AND ANOTHER THING. My friend who's bi is being all discriminated against because she and her girlfriend all fucking HUGGED in the damn hallway.

Social: Well. Not much to put here. Except that one of my best guy friends is being relentless stalked by this girl. It's so annoying. I told her off one day. She finally pissed me off. But she kicked him because he forgot a fucking book. ARE YOU KIDDING! So I told her not to kick him. And she was like "But. But!" I swear to gawd! She won't leave us alone! MO! MO! MO! MO! GO ME!

Friends: Well, my best friend that I've known since 2nd grade is dating this guy that she recently broke up with because he was cheating on her. And she found out. I mean I love her to death, I've grown up with her. She's my best friend. And I'm just worried that she'll get hurt again. She's a smart girl, but half the time she doesn't think about things. And its just... i've always had to be the stronger of the two of us, and i've had to watch her back. But now she's just acting on instinct. I mean, she doesn't have to date a guy who doesn't treat her right! She could have any guy she wanted! But why she's dating him, hell if I know. As far as I'm concerned I just fucking want to rip his throat out. I'm sick of his lies. So I'm just really worried about her.

Well that's all for now. I have to go to bed now. Good nightz.
March 23rd, 2008 at 06:01pm