Neon Pink

yesterday I called my mom she was out of state for the weekend.... so I called her and asked if my aunt could dye my hair...she said sure why not.

so I went to my aunt's house.....we bleached my hair....and we thought it was too plain..... so we went to the store....and got some more dye.....and dyed my hair....we put highlights and we did the ends..........

so today when my mom came to pick me up...she was like oh....... and then when my brother and his girlfriend saw it they were like "who did that too you? how long is it gonna stay in? you look like a fruit!!!" so apparently they don't like it...but everyone else does.....

Oh. i forgot...tomorrow is picture day....
So in my school pictures in gonna have bright pink hair...
March 23rd, 2008 at 08:38pm