Straigh, Bisexual, Homosexual, Pansexual (what the hell is that anyway) blah blah blah.

Everyone cares about their sexuality too much.
I see a lot of blogs, journals, and stuff where people are like "I'm not sure what my sexuality is.... I think I'm bi, but I'm not sure!"

Seriously, who cares?
I never cared.
I just like who ever I feel like liking.
and the people who I like usually are girls. Sometimes guys.

If you're confused, just not care.
Don't try to figure it out.
Just chill. You'll figure it out eventually.
Its not something you can find out by just thinking.

anway, today was AWESOME.
I saw elks today.
And I touched it!
one licked me. XD

and I found out elks hate MCR but don't mind Jimmy Eat World. haha
March 24th, 2008 at 02:12am