Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin and Seether concert!!

It's rainy and cold and the fields are flooding. Hundreds of people stand out side with umbrellas and with out, many are soaked from the seemingly constant rain. Why are they out there in the shitty weather you ask? Well it's what dedicated fans to for bands they love, myself included. The day is March 18th 2008 and Three Days Grace, Seether and Breaking Benjamin are playing at Roberts Stadium. I had had tickets since Christmas, a present (The best one I got to be honest) from my sister. I had seen all three bands at least once (Three Days Grace twice and the others once).
We were on the floor, front row close to center. And we watched as the stadium filled with people. The air, like always, was electric. People had come to see a show. The first band had their things set up already. Neverset. Never in my live had I heard of them until tonight. All I have to say about this band is, they are fucking awesome. When the drum took his place I don't think anyone knew what to expect, where they good? Did the have their own memorable sound? They did. This band had so much energy onstage, it was very refreshing for me. (See it had been nearly two years since my last concert and any between that were country…)The guitarist was jumping backwards off the boxes and Shawn, the lead singer, was running back and forth while he sang Shawn jumped off the stage and walked along behind the barricades(I touched his arm ^_^) He did that twice. I was worried they wouldn't have enough room to play because the drums were set really close to the front of the stage, there was no problems at all. During one of the songs he used a megaphone for the chorus. They did an excellent cover of Pantera's "Walk " Yes, they had us pumped for the following bands.
Seether was next. Shaun walked out on to the stage first, just him and his guitar. Opening with "No Jesus Christ" Seemed I was one of only a few people that knew songs from their newest release. I was there singing every word along with him. When they exploded into the heavier part of the song people were going wild. I don't remember what the next song was or the one after that. During "Broken" Adam Gontier came out along with a Guitarist from Breaking Benjamin. Adam sang Amy's part. I nearly cried. This song had been one of the only songs Chris had sang with me. After Broken they did "Remedy". Here we got some crowd surfers. And strangely enough Seether sang "I Hate Everything About You" which was pretty damn cool. "Rise Above This" was somewhere between "Remedy" and "I Hate Everything About You". "Rise Above This" is a very important song to me. It was one of those songs that helped me through the break up with Chris.
Third came Breaking Benjamin. There were only like five minute set changes, they didn't take long at all. When the lights dimmed screams rose from everyone(Save for my sister….). Several 'explosions' went off announcing that we were in for a great show. As soon as the oh so famous intro to "The Diary of Jane" Began everyone was on there feet. Unfortunately I don't remember to much of their performance because of where I was, we kept getting pounded by crowd surfers. Had Enough was the next song and then after that was another important song to me, "Until The End." "Topless", "Breakdoown and "Polyamorous" were the next three songs. After those songs Shaun Morgan came onto stage along with (I assume) a roadie carring water. "You guys look fucking thirsty!" Ben had said and started tossing the water bottles at us. During this Shaun sang "Change in the House of Flies". I didn't realize it until the crowd shifted and Shaun was alone on stage, that Ben had came down into the audience. When he reached the middle he was lifted and surfed up to the front where he got back on stage.(I got to touch his leg ^_^) That was pretty awesome! During the rest of the show there were like 20 crowd surfers and people kept trying to mosh(Even though it's not allowed!). The ended with "Sooner or Later" "Break My Fall" "Blow Me" and "So Cold" It was awesome! Then when Chad was leaving the stage he LOOKED RIGHT AT ME and threw a stick towards me but the fucking security guard gave it to the people next to my sister. Oh how pissed I was!
Three Days Grace was last. I can't remember the opening song(-sigh- I wish I could!I was to busy singing along). The third song was "Pain" and I think everyone was singing this song at the top of their lungs. The quieter verses at the beginning couldn't be heard over the crowd. Same with "Animal I Have Become". There was pyro and stuff. I remember the ending the most. They sang "Home" and everyone was sing with Adam. Berry Stock made eye contact with me and then started tossing picks at me. Finally I got one and then it was over in a flash of fire. It was amazing. Very worth getting kicked in the head and standing in the rain. They did "Just Like You" and "Riot" and everyone was on their feet singing. Then they did "I Hate Everything About you" It was just an awesome show.
These four bands are amazing. I owe them my life because if it weren't for them doing what they do…Well I don't think I would have made it through the break up with Chris. Looking forward to this concert gave me something to do. And even though I may never meet them, I hope they understand how appreciative of them I am.
I have pictures, I'm working on getting them watermarked so I hope to have them up soon

Also chack out Neverset! They're aresome!


Carpe Deim
March 24th, 2008 at 06:29am