Emelie Armstrong : Character Sheet and Artistic Rendering

Picture made for me by an awesome artist on DeviantART, KumariRin

Some of the Basics First:
Full Name – Emelie Joan Armstrong
Meaning of Name – When they found out Adrienne was pregnant, they started to think of baby names, Tré briefly suggested the name ''Tequila” and "Cheech" as her middle name but that was rejected by the couple before they settled on the name she has now.
Nickname – most of the time her friends call her Emelie but both Mike and Tré have the habit of just calling her Em because they're too lazy to say her full name every time
Birth Date– May 7th 1992
Astrological Sign– Gemini.
Birth Place– Oakland-California
Age – 16/17 (at the time of the story).
Race – White/Caucasian.
Hair Color – Dark brown but dyed black and somewhat lighter brown in dreads (done by her mother) with some small parts of her hair hanging over her shoulders (not dreaded of course)
Hair Style – Sometimes she lets it hang loosely over her shoulder but will put it in a bun eventually because it hangs in her eyes and irritates her.
Shape and Features of Face– A round face, resembling her mothers but doesn't look nearly as striking on her as it does on her mother.
Eye Color– Dark brown
Skin Tone– Very pale.
Any Scars or Distinguishing Marks –Has two tattoo's in the beginning of the story but gets a third one later on. Two around her wrist in some neatly written font and the other on her left arm in a design that resembles her mothers with a small text in it. Has a scar on her knee from falling down on a couple of rocks when she was exploring around the venue where her father had a concert.
Build or Body Type – Small and not exactly thin, got some round curves just like her mother, is sometimes clumsy and doesn't always look where she's walking.

Family and Childhood:
Mother– Is at home most of the time and an inspiration to Emelie whenever she needs advise on things her father doesn't know about. Adrienne also taught her to draw but Emelie has always been more interested in music.
Father– Even though he wasn't much home during her younger years (caused by the constant touring of Green Day) Emelie has a tight bond with him.
Parents' Occupations– Her father is a rock star and is co-owner of the record label Adeline Street together with her mother who does all the financial things for the company and designs the clothing line that the label distributes.
Family Finances – While her father earns millions through his music and albums, they always stayed down to earth. The family has only 1 car and that is a black SUV, the house isn't that big but large enough to hold three children and a couple of pets.
Brothers – Two, Joseph 'Joey' Marciano (the middle child) and Jakob Danger, who is the youngest.
Other Close Family– Mike and Tré, both come over to the Armstrong house on regular base, even if its only for band practice in the basement. Emelie has a close bond with Mike (him being her godfather)
Best Friend – Andrea, they've known each other for ages and is also the only one who is allowed to analyze Emelie's life and be sarcastic about the fact that her father is Billie Joe Armstrong.
Other Friends – Lou, who is often seen with Slipknot merchandise whenever she's over at her house and Billie Joe is home. Lyra, a talented girl and the youngest of the group, has a knack for drawing and can sing pretty good according to the people around her.
Home Life During Childhood – Very happy even though her father was often absent during the younger years because of the touring and working in the studio. Emelie never held this against him because at an older age she realized that her father was living his dream and accepted that, being proud of him because she knows how hard he worked to get where he is right now.
Any Sports or Clubs – None.
Schooling – went to a normal school and learned how to deal with the fact that a lot of people wanted to be friends with her just because of her father. When she reached high-school Emelie turned away from that and limited herself to a couple of friends.
Favorite Subject– Music (throughout the story she is learning bass from Mike and knows basics to the guitar thanks to her father) and her fiction writing class
Popular or Loner– Longer, she gets along well with her family and close friends since she can trust them with the fact that they wouldn't try to use her to get to her father. She also trained herself to be able to hide her emotions pretty well and look emotionless whenever she wants too, mostly tries to hide everything behind a smile but fails at when she's alone with Andrea.
Health Problems – Had some problems with her kidneys when she was a baby and also had her tonsils removed just before she started high-school, ending up with the fact that she got less sick. She also suffers from panic attacks when she is really stressed and is diagnosed with ADHD, making her have periods of time when she just wants to be alone and other periods where she is all smiles.

Your Character's Character:
Bad Habits– Will often mutter “make your own babies” whenever teenies are around and usually uses “you know” in her sentences when she is trying to say something out of the blue, this is caused by her fathers bad habit of doing so.
Good Habits– If a friends needs to talk with her or needs her around just for the sake of having someone to talk too, she's there, she also tends to be somewhat protective with friends and will try to keep them out of trouble.
Strong Points – Very open-minded and will speak her mind even though she'll hide it in some sarcastic or witty sentence.
Temperament – She has a short temper but tries to keep it in as long as she can, which is what she's slowly but surely succeeding in.
Attitude – She can get on other people's nerves with all her witty and sarcastic come-backs but she knows when she's going to far and should shut up. If she doesn't, her friends will probably just tell her.
Weakness – talking about her father, she prefers to be seen as her own individual person instead of her fathers daughter.
Fears – People using her to get to her family or her father – things happening to the band whenever they're on tour.
Secrets – she doesn't have much secrets but if she does have them, she'll be keeping them to herself and not even tell her father or mother, perhaps she will tell Andrea but that depends on the secret.
Regrets – Regrets disliking her father when she was hitting puberty, caused by her misunderstanding of his continuous absence during her childhood.
Feels Vulnerable When– whenever people around her are talking about Green Day or anything else that is closely involved with her father and his friends.
Pet Peeves – Is annoyed easily, so the list is rather long…but the biggest has to be the younger girls that just adore Green Day because of her fathers good look, random shouts of “I'd have his babies” also annoy her.
Conflicts– she can have occiasional conflicts with the girls in her school who think that she doesn't belong with her group of friends and should join the 'elite' group.
Motivation – Trying to get people see that she is her own person and the fact that she has her own hidden talents that people sometimes overlook.
Goals and Hopes – Find someone that loves her back as much as she loves him.
Sexuality– Follows her father in the area and claims to be bisexual.
Exercise Routine– Loves taking long walks whenever she can so she can calm herself and make sure her head isn't so messed up.
Speech – In writing, can be very eloquent and well-expressed. When speaking, his words are often dotted with sarcasm, and general disdain.
Tag Words – “You know...”, “Fuck”, “Good shit”, “Oh dear god.”
Gestures – Often jerks head back to cause her dreads to fall behind her shoulders, can stare at her tattoo's for a period of time and forget everything around her.
Day or Night Person – Most definitely more of a night person; she hates waking up and facing another day. Knowing that everyone else is asleep while she's awake calms her.
Introvert or Extrovert– Depends on who is around her, though in most cases she’s more of an introvert.
Optimist or Pessimist – Is more optimistic than people would likely give her credit for.

Likes and Styles
Music – Loves the underground punk-scene and will often go to clubs where multiple bands are playing that night to find new music. Also has a thing to check out any band that goes on tour with Green Day
Books – Loves to read books, she doesn't really care about what they go but dislikes the romantic novels, knowing that it'll never be like that in real life anyway.
Magazines – Hardly reads them.
Foods – No fish, she is really picky in her food and will limit herself to eating carrots whenever her mother forces her to eat something healthy, also prefers banana's instead of apples
Drinks – Coffee, preferably black without anything added, doesn't really care what taste it has as long as it keeps her awake. Water, whenever she's somewhere where coffee isn't allowed (such as schools and pubs)
Animals– has a soft spot for dogs but doesn't really like cats...
Sports – While she doesn’t despise them, she was never good at them, either, and so tends to avoid them.
Social Issues – She will often let her friends talk for her whenever she is talked to by people she detests, most of the time Andrea will catch this and talk for her friend, knowing that she was in a mood where she just wanted to be alone, also Andrea just loves to annoy people by answering for her friend.
Color – White, even though she wears a lot of black, she always loved the colour of white because its the basic start for all the colours.
Clothing – Prefers black clothing and sometimes refuses to wear anything from Adeline Street, not because she doesn't like the designs but the fact that it would only lead to more questions about her father.
Jewelry – wears small ring earrings and forgets to take them out, by the fact that they're so small and don't bother her she doesn't remove them unless she wants to put in others, which is a very rare thing.
Games – doesn't play much games but if she does she'll play tag with her younger brothers and often get her father involved whenever she can
TV Shows – Doesn’t watch much TV, except the music channels from to time.
Movies – Despises any romance-themed movie, even comedic, on the basis that “it never really happens that way in real life; they just instill false home in poor idiots like me…” Ironically, can certainly get into most action/adventure movies, no matter how corny or unrealistic.

Where and How Does Your Character Live Now?
Home – She still lives with her parents since she's still too young to live alone but she might eventually move out to get an apartment with whoever wants to live with her. The basement is turned into a small recording studio by her father which is also one of her favourite rooms.
Household furnishings – Emelie likes to see modern things as long as they still look like they should look. Nothing too futuristic and nothing too old.
Favorite Possession – Her personal Gibson guitar which she got from her father once he got back from tour (carefully placed with all the other Gibson's in the basement). Also a small wooden box (carefully kept in the small closet in her nightstand) with all sorts of pictures and letters (most of the time from her father while on tour, also contains printed out emails)
Neighborhood– Oakland, not to far from the main streets and clubs yet still pretty on the side of the town where everything is rather quiet.

Relationship with Family – Very good.
Career – has a desire to become guitar technician for bands
Dream Career – going on tour with as much bands as she can and so become a good guitar technician
Dream Life– already working on it whenever she's on tour with her father
Hobbies– Crossword puzzles, writing and reading, watching history shows and informatively shows instead of all those popular tv shows. Also known as the bookworm of the family.
Sports or Clubs – None.
Talents – Obviously has some talent at playing an instrument (got that from her father) and writing lyrics, sometimes stories, depends on how she's feeling.
Finances – If she wants she can get some of the Cd's of her favourite bands for free but otherwise uses her weekly pocket money to buy smaller stuff and to get into clubs to see bands.
Health Problems – besides the fact that she can have problems with her joints nothing else

Your Character's Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers – Working at Adeline as intern and trying to design some of the clothes (still does this from time to time)
Past Lovers – She is kind of a hermit so never really looked or had a boyfriend (or girlfriend) before
Biggest Mistakes – disliking her father when she was younger
Biggest Achievements – still managing to build up a steady relationship with him after he had been absent most of her life.

A Little Extra Information:
A.) If your character could have two whole weeks for vacation and go and do anything he or she wanted, what and where would it be? – If during those two weeks her father happens to be on tour, take the first plane to their current destination and get on tour with them until the vacation is over. If not, hang around local pubs and try finding out as much as she can about the bands playing there regularly and upcoming gigs.

B.) If your character had a weakness for one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it be and why? (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth) – Pride probably, because of the fact that she is indeed her fathers daughter.

C.) If your character could bring one person back to life and spend a whole day with him or her, who would it be and why? – She would probably try to bring back a person that has an interesting history or became famous in history, if you would ask her this she would probably answer 'Guy Fawkes' since she is fascinated by him.

D.) If your character won a three-million dollar lottery, what would he or she do with the money? – probably just put it on the back and save it for when she would ever wanted to go and live on her own.

E.) If your character could change one thing about him or herself, what would it be? Probably nothing since Billie Joe teaches her to be happy with how she is.

F.) What would your character do to relax after a bad day? – Find a Starbucks, and then just lock herself up in her room with a good book.

G.) Where would your character go to hang out if he or she wanted to feel comfortable? – Home.

H.) What does your character do when he or she is angry? – She'll hold it in but eventually let it out whenever she's alone of when she knows she's safe to rant.

I.) Does your character have a secret passion? – playing bass in a band, which is put on the table by Andrea in one of the chapters but its not sure if she'll eventually get in a band or not.
March 24th, 2008 at 12:05pm