The Mighty Boosh, and other stuff...

So, I'm going to see The Mighty Boosh live. =D I'm well excited. January 7th, 2009. It may be nearly a year away, but I'm already counting down the days. I love that show so much, and seeing it live is something I've wanted to do for agggggessss.

So yes, I'm very happy right now.

Apparently, when I don't do my hair properly, my hair looks like Noel Fieldings. XD My mum says it's my fringe that does it. I have to admit that if I don't straighten my fringe, I do look freakishly like him. It's quite scary.

Anddddddd, I posted a new story, "Forget-Me-Not". It's really my first fanfiction, unless you count my KTF one-shots. Thank you so much to everyone who commented and subscribed! You've really made my day.

I'm a comment whore, so I would be SO grateful if some more people read and comment. I'm willing to do comment swaps. It's a ghost-Freard and it's going to be pretty angsty. Con-crit is welcome.
March 24th, 2008 at 08:26pm