This is not good.

My internet connection isn't working. I dunno why and I dunno what happen, but it stared actin' all janky on me. My Dad and I tried to fix it, like, all day but it's being a bitch. We called Comcast so they could come down here and fix it, but I gotta wait until Wednesday. I still dunno what's wrong with it. I hafta use my Dad's laptop from now on though. :/

It's better than nothing though. This means the stories are on hold right now. I have some of the next part to Shooting Stars on my computer and that's where it's gonna stay. I'm not gonna try and transfer it on my Dad's laptop 'cause I don't want him to find it and read it. Talk about being grounded. xD At least, thats what I'm assuming. Anyways, I don't wanna take the risk. I'm actually shy about people I know reading my stuff and things like that.

So sorry about the inconvience guys. :/ Let's hope my internet connection gets fixed! ><
March 25th, 2008 at 02:22am