Has anyone got any awesome Frerard pictures?

I really need some full-on boy love photos, Frerard would be great.
See, I wanna get my friend an Easter present...yeah a bit late but still. He's really funny and giggly and petty fememine, but he writhes in fear whenever he sees Frerard. I drew some Frerard in my sketch book and he was really afraid of it,once he realized they were both male. So I wanna send him an e-mail with a link for some Frerard pictures.
If somebody could send me a link for some amazing Frerard pictures I will be eternally grateful.
I know this is a bit mean, but I implore you good people of Mibba to make my day and make my friend possibly burst into tears or rounds of laughter.
Or who knows? He may like it.

So thank you

March 25th, 2008 at 07:35pm