Why I haven't been updating lately....

Well, first of all, I'm sorry for those who want updates to my stories and I've been taking so long. Homework's piling on me lately and I haven't had anytime to type anything since. I'm still writing in my notebook, so there ARE updates except for those that I just immediately type and post up rather than writing in my notebook, typing it up, then posting it up. For example, That's Just the Way We Roll. Over summer break, hopeully, I'll post more often if I don't get a job by then. And Arya, don't worry, Vacation hasn't stopped, you'll still have Joe, maybe, idk, I'm just saying things ; ) lol. And Patricia and Lish-love, I don't know if y'all are still reading It's A Starbucks Love, but it's still going. After the climax, it's soon gonna end, just so everyone who's reading knows. Well I just wanted to tell y'all that, so hopefully I don't lose any readers and gain some on the way.

Peace, Love, and Jonas
March 26th, 2008 at 06:36am