22 things you never knew about me.

Yes, I'm aware that tons of people have been posting these things...but bah, it seemed fun. Why not?


I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue.

When I was in sixth grade I had really long fingernails, almost a centimeter each. It really freaked people out.

My dad used to think Asia was a country until I told him otherwise.

If I had been born three days earlier, I would have been in the eighth grade right now instead of seventh.

I taught myself to read when I was three or so, and really picked up on it when I was four. At my daycare I would just sit there, ignore my friends and read those little fifteen-word books all day.

I really hate math. I think that unless you're earning your degree in buisness or science or something you shouldn't need to learn much beyond the four basic operations, simple geometry and algebra, and percentages and things like that.

I have a passion for horseradish mustard. Seriously.

I am left-handed and left-footed. It gives me a big advantage in tennis.

I write really weird. I support the pencil on the palm-side of my thumb on the second joint and on the top of my fourth finger. As a result I have two giant calluses in both places, which can get very sore at times.

I use the words nuttin', ain't, y'all, and double negatives on a daily basis, e.g., "There ain't nothin' back here!" And I'm quite proud of it.

Despite being Texan, I don't like much country music and can't stand honky-tonk at all.

I love gummy candy and, to be honest, would choose it over chocolate any day. I would kill for those little sour fruit-belt things.

I have a guitar--two-tone sunburst, can't remember the exact model but he's somewhat shaped like a Stratocaster. His name is Hero, and yes, he is a guy guitar. How do I know this? You don't want to know.

I am writing a fanfiction about my entire school, with the people at my lunchtable as the protaganists. It's not on Mibba though, only a side project just for fun.

If I can't become a writer or rock musician, I want to produce records, be a music journalist, work as a tour roadie, anything that keeps me involved with music.

My two favorite places to go are Disney World and Las Vegas.

When I was younger, I always tried writing stories but never got past the intro. I've attempted Twilight fanfic, Harry Potter fanfic, two autobiographies, Pokemon stories (shut up), Tamagotchi stories (same), and God knows what else.

In elementary school, I was obsessed with Pokemon and Tamagotchi to the point of it being unhealthy.

I joined my first forum when I was 10 years old.

When I was five or six years old, I wanted to be an airplane pilot.

I dislike physical writing--as in, actually moving a pencil across paper. It makes my hand hurt because of the way I hold the pencil and it's too slow. So I never write any of my stories down on paper unless I'm on vacation.

When I was eight years old, I saw a picture of King Tut's corpse, all wrinkled and mummified and whatnot. I have been terrified of mummies ever since.
March 27th, 2008 at 03:06am