A day late.

Thanks for introducing me to music and The Simpsons before I had my teeth.
Thank you for allowing me to constantly go into your cabniet and borrow your CD's.
Thank you for being the oldest, most stubborn, most annoying friend I have.
Thank you for being the "sane" parent.
Thank you for trying to kill my ex before you even knew we were going out.
(and thank you for giving me the power to say "my dad's coming!" and watch him piss himself.)
Thank you for getting drunk late at night and all sentimental, telling me how glad you are that I'm not a moron. Though there are few things that make me more uncomfortable.
Thank you for fucking up your shoulder at work every day so we can sit on the couch and eat pizza.
Thank you for letting me watch Family Guy with you before I was old enough to understand more than a third of the jokes. A tradition in the making.

I know I'm a pain in the ass (duh, you're the one who brought me up.)
So thanks for that, too.

Happy Belated Birthday to the only important guy in my life who's over 40.
I luff you.
March 27th, 2008 at 03:59pm