In Order to Catch Up and Stuff, Part 1

I haven't written a journal since Valentine's Day. Wow.

And it's Spring Break. Wow.

Track's started, drama hasn't ended.

Huh. Do mailtrucks usually go up driveways? Because there's one in my neighbor's. It's creeping me out. Okay, the mail carrier just got back into the thing and it drove away.

I feel my heart rate going back down. That was about as creepy as Hannah Montana.

You wanna know what annoys me? Overly sensitive people. I mean, you just can't TALK to them. If you accidentally imply that they might be a little boy-crazy or say jokingly that they happen to be slutting on your territory, they FREAK.

And if you happen to start slutting on THEIR territory, watch out. Because they'll freak.

And then I'll get pissed and start snapping at innocent gentlemen.

Or, more likely, mildly guilty gentlemen - It IS eighth grade, you know.
March 28th, 2008 at 09:13pm