Bad news, good news, worse news.

Bad News: I know lately my journals have been me complainin', but damn it, I have every reason to. My Dad is crashing---repeat, CRASHING---our computer. I'm going to loose everything. Music, documents, pictures, saved writings/poems/roleplays/etc. It' suck major ass and I AM NOT HAPPY. I am so friggan pissed right now.

Fourth time, THE FOURTH TIME, we've had to wipe out our computer. Dude, I dunno. The first dude that came over said it was our modem that was the problem; something about it being overloaded and needing a new. All right, fine. He was suppose give us one, but never did 'cause he forgot. Okay, well that's cool, we'll just tell Comcast. Now wait a minute, my computer's lagging slower than usual and not letting me on my account? There's some "qedgf" shit running on my Crl+Alt+Delete that won't go away even after we click "End Task"? WHAT THE FUCK?

This is bullshit! This. Is. BULL! SHIT!

And see, we were trying to save all the stuff on our accounts today, but couldn't get on because of that "qedgf" that wouldn't go away. Now another guy from Comcast is doin' all kinds of shit.

Good News: The Comcast guy made our HD TV clearer. So fucking what.

Worse News: It's my fault. I wanted to get garage band so I could make music and my friend suggested I get Limewire to get it sicne I don't have a Mac. BIG MISTAKE. Apparently Limewire and the site has all kinds of viruses, which inevitable got in my computer and slowly but surely ate it up.

... I hate this. I'll never hear the end of it, I swear. My Mom and siblings will be on my ass about all the time, teasing me and shit. And if if I tell them to stop they won't.

God, I'm so stupid.
March 29th, 2008 at 12:24am