
I told you I'd be perfectly fine. See? I'm perfecty fine ^_^ Thanks, Anathema and Sami.

More than fine. I'm grrrrrrrrreat. Like the commercials for my second favorite cereal.


Everything bad about yesterday imploded and gave me a buncha good things.



That doesn't usually happen. I'm not this happy, it's friggin' scary. Shyeah, I'm a pessimist, I know. Don't remind me >.<

And now, I wanna go to New Jersey. For no particular reason, just that I haven't been there in a while.

No joke, my life is very shiny bright right now. Makes me wanna singa. Like that owl from those old cartoons...

Except for that one F, but it's not my fault my Chinese teacher is hen ma fan. See? I know Chinese. He's just annoying...

I think I'll write journal entries more often.
March 29th, 2008 at 01:07am