I need a second opinion...[true story]

So here's the story: on December 10th I went to see Avenged Sevenfold. Kick ass show, by far the best night of my life. I made all of them laugh by shouting "Happy almost Birthday Zacky" while Matt was talking...and got a "thank you" from Zacky in return. Matt told me to duck as some crowd surfer was coming my way. Unfortunately, I didn't know what he said so I ended up getting kicked in the back of the head. And the best part of the night was when I made a heart-shape with my hands to Brian and he at first laughed, but then turned, smiled and winked at me. I could've died happily at this point.
So the problem starts at the end of Avenged's set. They were onstage throwing items into the crowd when I see Brian point to me and throw me his guitar pick (that had been in his mouth)...which sadly I didn't catch. I looked around for it and saw it was on the other side of the baracade so I reached for it, only to have one of the security guards pick it up. I asked him to give me the pick, but instead he hands it to my "friend".

Now this friend claims she loves Avenged Sevenfold...but yet she doesn't own any of the CD's, she get's Zacky and Jimmy's appearances mixed up alllll the time, she guess every lyric she sings. But for some reason I brought her with me.

I told her to give me the pick, but she refused because this was her "first concert." I still kept asking, yet she still kept refusing. So I let it go, even though I was upset out of my mind. The love of my life wanted me to have that fucking pick.

So around christmas time, she tells me she wanted that pick so much because it was "going to be my christmas present." I come over one day to retrieve it....and she said she lost it. She claimed it was in a box on top of her huge rat cage, but the box had a whole in the corner.

Then, out of the intense motivation of getting that guitar pick, I took out the three rats and used a plastic Safeway bag to claw through the four foot tall rat cage...by myself -- this friend and my other friend were playing with the fish tank. Half an hour of looking through a disgusting rat cage later, no guitar pick. Words couldn't describe how upset I was.

So what I needed answered is, do I have a right to be as upset at my friend as I am...or am I blowing this out of proportion?
March 29th, 2008 at 01:28am